Strategy + Action = Wealth: Applied
Managing Strategy
5 Phases of Planning Naturally/Stress Free
Defining purpose and principles
Outcome visioning
Identifying next actions
1- Purpose: is the why, principles are what are the boundries of the plan
2- Outcome Visioning: is your vision, an image of the what of the physical world. What does it look like, feel like, sounds like, smells like if your purpose is fulfilled
3- Brainstorming: is the how phase, where your brain notices a gap between what you were looking toward and where you actually were at the time. Your brain starts to fill in the gap with answering “how” will we do this. The thinking is random and ad hoc.
4- Organizing: once you’ve generated various thoughts relevant to the outcome, your mind will automatically begin to sort them by components (subprojects), priorities, and/or sequences of events
5- Next Action: if you’re committed, you focus on the next action that you need to take to make the 1st component actually happen.
1- Purpose- the value of thinking why
It defines success
It creates decision making criteria (give what you are trying to accomplish, are these resource investments required? If so, which ones)
It aligns resources (how do we best use….to maximize….? The answer depends on what you are really trying to accomplish and why)
It motivates (is the purpose worth doing?)
It clarifies focus (what are we trying to accomplish? Increases sharpness of vision)
It expands options (it opens up creative thinking about wider possibilities)
Principles- standards and values you hold and gives you parameters of action. Complete this sentence: “I would give others totally free rein to do this as long as they………” what? What are your stated and unstated policies?
2- Vision/Outcome- value of positive imagery and focus. This positive energy towards wanting the successful result ensures the highest level of “unconscious” support for your performance. That focus instantly creates ideas and thought patterns you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Even your body responds to this image in your head like its reality. (This is the secret- link my use of the secret to this section).
How do you want the client to feel? What do you want him to know and do after the presentation? Some tips to use are;
View project beyond completion date
Envision “wild success”
Capture features, aspects, qualities
Experience heightened enthusiasm
3- Brainstorming- give yourself permission to capture and express any ideas, then later on figure out how it fits in and what to do with it.
Brainstorming is useful because in addition to capturing your original ideas, it can help you generate many new ones that might not have occurred to you if you didn’t have a mechanism to hold your thoughts and reflect back on them.
When brainstorming;
Don’t judge, challenge or criticize ideas
Go for quantity not quality
Do not analyze or organize
4- Organizing- after brainstorming you’ll notice a “natural” organization emerging. There will be a natural relationship and structure. Identify components and subcomponents, sequences or events, and/or priorities.
What are the things that must occur to create the final result? In what order must they occur? What is the most important element for success? What are milestones you should look for along the way?
Once you perceive a basic structure, your mind will start to fill in the blanks
Organize the key steps
Identify the significant pieces
Sort by (one or more); components, sequences, priorities
Provide detail to the required degree
5- Next Actions- final stage of planning. Decide on the next actions for each of the moving parts of the project. Decide on the next action in the planning process if necessary.
A project is sufficiently planned when every next action step has been decided on, on each separate component. The components are independent
If only one component can be done before the project moves forward (dependent components) then this must be completed first
If there is more to plan then the next action step is “planning”
If you are waiting on others for the next action then clarify who you are waiting on and why they are responsible for next action.
Whenever Planning a Project- plan enough so that the project is no longer on your mind.
5 Phases of Planning Naturally/Stress Free
Defining purpose and principles
Outcome visioning
Identifying next actions
1- Purpose: is the why, principles are what are the boundries of the plan
2- Outcome Visioning: is your vision, an image of the what of the physical world. What does it look like, feel like, sounds like, smells like if your purpose is fulfilled
3- Brainstorming: is the how phase, where your brain notices a gap between what you were looking toward and where you actually were at the time. Your brain starts to fill in the gap with answering “how” will we do this. The thinking is random and ad hoc.
4- Organizing: once you’ve generated various thoughts relevant to the outcome, your mind will automatically begin to sort them by components (subprojects), priorities, and/or sequences of events
5- Next Action: if you’re committed, you focus on the next action that you need to take to make the 1st component actually happen.
1- Purpose- the value of thinking why
It defines success
It creates decision making criteria (give what you are trying to accomplish, are these resource investments required? If so, which ones)
It aligns resources (how do we best use….to maximize….? The answer depends on what you are really trying to accomplish and why)
It motivates (is the purpose worth doing?)
It clarifies focus (what are we trying to accomplish? Increases sharpness of vision)
It expands options (it opens up creative thinking about wider possibilities)
Principles- standards and values you hold and gives you parameters of action. Complete this sentence: “I would give others totally free rein to do this as long as they………” what? What are your stated and unstated policies?
2- Vision/Outcome- value of positive imagery and focus. This positive energy towards wanting the successful result ensures the highest level of “unconscious” support for your performance. That focus instantly creates ideas and thought patterns you wouldn’t have had otherwise. Even your body responds to this image in your head like its reality. (This is the secret- link my use of the secret to this section).
How do you want the client to feel? What do you want him to know and do after the presentation? Some tips to use are;
View project beyond completion date
Envision “wild success”
Capture features, aspects, qualities
Experience heightened enthusiasm
3- Brainstorming- give yourself permission to capture and express any ideas, then later on figure out how it fits in and what to do with it.
Brainstorming is useful because in addition to capturing your original ideas, it can help you generate many new ones that might not have occurred to you if you didn’t have a mechanism to hold your thoughts and reflect back on them.
When brainstorming;
Don’t judge, challenge or criticize ideas
Go for quantity not quality
Do not analyze or organize
4- Organizing- after brainstorming you’ll notice a “natural” organization emerging. There will be a natural relationship and structure. Identify components and subcomponents, sequences or events, and/or priorities.
What are the things that must occur to create the final result? In what order must they occur? What is the most important element for success? What are milestones you should look for along the way?
Once you perceive a basic structure, your mind will start to fill in the blanks
Organize the key steps
Identify the significant pieces
Sort by (one or more); components, sequences, priorities
Provide detail to the required degree
5- Next Actions- final stage of planning. Decide on the next actions for each of the moving parts of the project. Decide on the next action in the planning process if necessary.
A project is sufficiently planned when every next action step has been decided on, on each separate component. The components are independent
If only one component can be done before the project moves forward (dependent components) then this must be completed first
If there is more to plan then the next action step is “planning”
If you are waiting on others for the next action then clarify who you are waiting on and why they are responsible for next action.
Whenever Planning a Project- plan enough so that the project is no longer on your mind.